It all started with a sweet little girl who loved pretty flowers. My daughter inspired my first cut flower garden when she was five, and we couldn’t get enough. The flowers we grow truly make my world more beautiful.

When my eldest daughter was three or four years old, she would beg to cut the flowers from our front garden to make her own bouquets. Eventually, I dedicated a small section of our vegetable garden for cut flowers to appease her. She was thrilled, which I expected. What surprised me was how much I loved it too.

After that first year, we had the amazing opportunity to attend the Floret Online Workshop. It was like drinking from a fire hose! That workshop helped me to dream big… and start small. We are so excited to spread the beauty.

Every day I head out with my four little kids in tow, and they constantly amaze me with their own plant knowledge. They ask about pinching the zinnias and tying the sweet peas. They adore the bachelor buttons and imagine drinking from the tiny Bells of Ireland cups. These are the experiences that I want to share with you.

As you can imagine, with my kids digging in the garden with me, I prioritize sustainable growing. I don’t use pesticides because I know it’s bad for me and my kids. I focus on using organic growing principles and biodegradable packaging. These are small steps, but they are important.

When you support our small family farm, you support us. You support a family spending time growing flowers together. You support local businesses and your community. And of course, you support a love of flowers.

Make every day a little more beautiful.